A common greeting, but a hopeful one too.  For me, 2019 had its wins and its losses, pretty much in equal measure in different ways.  But despite all of the challenges (and sometimes because of them), 2020 looks brighter than ever for me, the hopes and possibilities unknown, and therefore endless.

For you, too.

That’s what so great about the turning of the corner on a new year.  Not the tedious “resolutions” that we promise not to break…until we break them that very week, then feel guilty.  It’s that new door you stand in front of, the one you’ve always wanted to walk through, but were never brave enough or in a position to try before.  Now once again you stand there.  It’s 2020, a new year, a new opportunity.  Now’s your chance.

Frightening, yes.

What if it won’t open?

What if it does?

Be fearless.  If it doesn’t easily open when you turn the knob, be your own kick-ass heroine and kick that blasted door inward and boldly storm through the entrance, swinging your broadsword.  Again, I say be fearless!

It may not be everything you had hoped or fantasized about, but it will still be a challenge you have conquered and new ground claimed.  Challenge yourself in 2020 to become the strong heroes of your favorite stories and reach for a new adventure to add to your own personal story.  I try to do that every year.

Sometimes I win.  Sometimes I lose.  But always, I try.  Then try again.  And have an exciting, tale telling time in the process.

I wish the same for you, my friend.

**Happiness and joy and 20/20 Vision to you in this new year of 2020**

Don’t forget to check out The Wolf’s Den.  I have a special surprise for all of you dragon lovers!!!

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