Sons of the Alpha PREQUELS


that will pull you deeper into the heart of this were-world and those who dare to live and love inside it.

Werewolf Erik Leonid bursts into the café where Rebecca Hartford sits eating alone, and Becca’s entire world turns upside-down and will never be the same.

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Werewolf Sophie Gabrielle crosses into forbidden territory and were-Coyote Tomas Duarte is determined to discovery why.

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Were-Cougar Prism Lamarche wakes from a nightmare of being burned alive, at the last minute saved by her dark, guardian angel.  Then Damien Vincente miraculously shows up, challenging her to remember the love they once shared.

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Randolyn Summers befriends werewolf Zachary King to discover the location of his alpha creator. Then she’ll destroy him, his alpha, and his entire monstrous kind for good.